Lord Krishna Abhishek

It is said that since Braj is serving the child image of Thakurji and it is
 believed that he is like his child, Bal-Gopal. Therefore, if they are anointed
 with water in sleep at night, then it will not be good for the mother Yashoda
 to do so.

Because of Lord Krishna's birth in midnight, wherever in his entire life, 
his birthplace is done on the night of Ashtami of Bhadrapada month's 
Krishna party, but there are three temples in Vrindavan where Thakurji is 
anointed in the day.
It is said that since Braj is serving the child image of Thakurji and it is
 believed that he is like his child, is a child-gopal. Therefore, if they will
 be anointed with water at night, then it will not be good for the mother 
Yashoda to do so.
In these three temples, the main temple, the disciple of Chaitanya
 Mahaprabhu, Gopal Bhatt, founded in Vrindavan. Thakurji's abhishek
 in the Radharaman Lal temple is done in the day only in the year 1542 AD
 according to the tradition of this temple being established.
Acharya Padmanabha Goswami, one of the present Goswami, who came
 to serve generations and generations, said, "Anointing the statue of 
Thakurji himself as Shaligram, milk, ghee, bura, curd, honey etc.
 Panchamrta and more than two dozen herbs- With the boots, 
it was done from 9 am to 12 am on Tuesday. "He said," The tradition of
 Abhishek is done in accordance with the scientific method described in 
the service book of the temple, in which Ib has used 2,100 liters of milk
 and ample supplies. " Shah Kundan Lal and Shah Fundan Lal, two brothers
 of Lucknow, the exclusive devotees of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, came to
 Vrindavan before, then they were. Renovated the Radharan temple and 
then built a different grand temple, in which he also got Thakurji's life's
 reputation as the name of Rakshamna.
However, due to the unmatched craft made of Makrana stone of this
 temple, it is also called Tede Khambho or Shah Bihari Temple. He built 
a room in this temple which only opens on the day of Basant Panchami.
Prashant Shah, a descendant of the fourth generation of temple builders, 
points out that this temple also has the tradition of consecration of
 Thakurji throughout the day, which is played with whole law. Perhaps
 this is why devotees even call it a small Radharan temple.
In addition to these two temples, another disciple of Chaitanya
 Mahaprabhu, Jeev Goswami, said In the name of the Radha Damodar 
Temple, another temple of Madhav Gaudian sect was established in 
1542 AD. Krishna Das and then his descendants have been serving here
 since the time of Jeev Goswami.


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